Photoshop Clipping Path Service for Ecommerce Businesses

Do you need to beautify, change, remove, or edit an image? GEI, the best photo editing company, provides clipping path services for background removal and editing needs for e-commerce businesses, professional photographers, or any outsourcing companies.

For example, suppose you are running an e-commerce business that includes garments, ornaments, toys, leather bags, wristwatches, etc. if you need an e-commerce product photo editing service to create professional images. Most of these product images need a clipping path to make the background white and add shadow effects.

The photos may be bolder if the background is white or transparent or use a single-color background. Hence, the best quality clipping path will be a solution for pixel-perfect selection for background changing. Moreover, our best photo retouchers use Photoshop pen tool and provide quality service with a 100% editing guarantee.

What is Clipping Path Service?

Clipping Path Service is a photo editing technique used to remove the background of an image by creating a path around the object in the foreground. Use the pen tool of Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create clipping paths, and the area inside the path is preserved.

In contrast, the area outside the path is removed. This technique is commonly used in product photography, e-commerce websites, graphic design, and advertising to remove unwanted backgrounds, isolate objects, and create unique designs.

Professional clipping Path Service allows designers and photographers to manipulate and enhance images without compromising the quality of the picture.

Clipping Path Service

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Clipping Path Service Category

Clipping paths isolate objects or remove backgrounds from an image, making them perfect for e-commerce websites, advertising campaigns, and marketing materials. Depending on the uses, we categorize the path. The category includes a range from basic to multiple paths.

Basic Clipping Path

Photoshop Clipping Path

Basic image Clipping is one of the fundamental methods for background removal, which requires the selection of the path of a single solid object. This image Clipping involves cutting out a solid shape. Images need not be simple or gematric shapes like a triangle shape.

The basic path is also suitable for curvy products or irregular side outlines, such as mobile phones, mice, plates, rings, storybooks, knives, etc. These products do not have any holes, and the outlines are continuous.

Simple Photo Clipping

Clipping Path

Several goods displayed on e-commerce websites only entail a simple Photoshop path service. Because the Simple Path slightly differs from the above. Meanwhile, clipping is applied to the curved products with one hole in this photo.

Suppose the product has an outer and inner outline, such as headphones, a watch, a shoe, a camera, earrings, etc. In other words, when an item has one hole, the background is visible outside and inside. Hence, it needs simple Paths.

Medium Photo Clipping

Medium Path

Medium/Compound photo clipping needs for images with multiple holes and curves are more than superficial. One of the great examples of this is a player’s action in the game. For example, he may be running or dipping a basketball or mid-air with the skateboard, swimming pool, etc.

Finally, All of these images have negative space and are unusually shaped. That means watches, belts, shoes, rings, foods, mechanical parts, etc., used compound photo clipping to cut them out. In this way, add or replace them with a different background. The pen tool in Photoshop helps to select the object ideally by the hand-drawn clip.

Complex Clipping

Complex Image

Complex image clipping combines many illusory closed critical paths applied to the pictures and designs of complex shapes. Moreover, images have many irregular shapes and negative spaces; when an image is not solid, it uses this technique.

For example, most group photos featured five standing still and ten guard members marching. Furthermore, more is needed to cut out the outline of the bicycle.

It cuts the negative space between the wheels or spokes of the bike. Furniture, bicycles, motorbikes, furry dummies, etc., are eligible.

Super Complex Clipping

Cutting Out Super Complex Photo

This technique applies to cutting out and editing the most detailed images. However, pictures that have many layers require a super complex photo clipping. For example, there are many ground transparencies or semi-transparencies with surfaces or abundant curves where a super complicated image path can be applied.

For example, suppose products have a double-hole fence gate-type shape, a design with a vertical and horizontal criss-cross shape that requires many paths and anchor points. Multiple dummies, group photos with hovering hair, group bracelets, the house’s gate, plants, etc., are eligible for the category.

Multiple Clipping

Multiple Paths

When one fort of section way through which we can distinguish every piece of the image, Multiple paths are the best way to do it. These techniques change the shade of texture in a picture or have many cut-out ways for layers.

CPC helps the client change the composition of an image and strengthen the color level and multiple filling, size, rotation, effects, etc.

It can apply to garments, accessories, fashion design, fashion indexes, books, journals, brochures, newspapers, posters, and leaflets.

Silo | Silhouette Portrait

The silo uses to make a portrait silhouette and convert image color or modify the images. Then, it masks a photo or takes action for any other reason. 

Anyone can amend or extract the original image background by selecting the silo path. When it is placed in a new submission or pooled with another image silo path is used.

If anyone wants to make the background, you can use a transparent silo path. Moreover, the object must be kept pleasant looking and sharp enough when a thing is like a feather or fur. Extracting them without losing any sharpness of a single part is challenging. GEI has expert graphics editors for the silo path to help you.

The Necessity of Image Clipping Service

Assume your primary image is a dog against a brown doghouse background. Now assume you want to extract just the dog and use it on other materials, such as a marketing brochure or a promotional coffee mug. Or you think you are dissatisfied with the background and want to move the dog onto something bolder, like an all-red background.

In cases like this, you have several options. First, many business owners use an image clip and deep etch in Photoshop to make the changes themselves. Unfortunately, this amateur tool usually yields an amateur result. Perhaps some of the dog’s whiskers get cut off, or faint traces of the original background remain.

Today’s sophisticated customers will quickly spot these flaws and assume that your company must also be amateurish. Unfortunately, this process is also quite time-consuming. Instead of turning the entire operation to a path illustrator, the manual process usually involves copying the image into a more straightforward format.

Moreover, trimming it and tracing it onto another place. In other words, your company would be penny-wise and pound-foolish. You would save a few cents in the clipping image process but ultimately lose business. Another option is to forego the clipping solution and re-shoot the image or find a substitute picture.

Re-shooting the image is more expensive than the costliest clipping service available. A Plan B image is acceptable if you are content with a Plan B marketing or another campaign.

Your business has another choice. At Graphic Experts India, we have artistic eyes and the latest tools. Before our retouchers begin work, they visualize what the completed image should look like. The person who works on your photo understands your business’s needs and has a passion for art.

Then, with that vision in mind, they use proprietary tools to produce results. This approach often makes outcomes that exceed your artistic quality and financial price expectations.

Why Use a Clipping Path Service

Everybody wants quality images to showcase their products and services to their targeted audience. Whether for advertising, marketing, or branding purposes, clear and beautiful photos are essential in capturing the attention of potential customers. 

However, not all images are equal; they need a bit of editing to get the desired look, and here, the image-clipping comes in handy. 

You can use this service to ensure your images look professional and polished. This service is beneficial to remove background and create a plain white background or for photographers who want to remove distracting elements from their photos.

Moreover, outsourcing your image editing needs to a clipping path company can save you time and money compared to doing it in-house. 

Because of the abovementioned dynamics, our path experts have considerable experience in this sector. In addition, this form of high-quality photo editing is one of the oldest methods in the digital era, and we have continually refined our methods over the years.


For various socioeconomic or political reasons, some image/background combinations resonate very well with some audiences and alienate other individuals. Photo Clipping enables your business to alter and reuse photographs in different contexts. The viewer will never know your business utilized a photo-clipping service in India.

Personal Photograph 

Only some of our clients in the U.S. or elsewhere are businesses. Individuals also take advantage of deep etching services.

Our expert retouchers can breathe new vitality into family and other photographs and bring your memories to life.

One or Group Shots

Our Photoshop experts can take individual photographs, separate them from their backgrounds, and combine them into a group photograph.

The clipping path process accounts for lighting and other variables, so the final result looks like an original photograph.

Uses of Professional Clipping Path in Various Sectors

This service is a popular segment of the graphics design world. Generally, online stores, restaurants, and companies need precise product images without any background. The shopper of that product or service can have a clear idea then.

You can use any background if you still need to get your desired product background. You can also use a transparent background. To get all these types of facilities, you can create a clipping path. The clipping image and deep etch services can make remarkable differences in your business in the up-to-date world.

However, you may have an online or offline business. E-commerce, social media, publishing industries, advertising, and marketing all need images and pictures. To make a difference in these areas, you must present your product above the customer, which requires a high-quality clipping path and photo editing services.

Here is some uses area of the clipping path to get quality images:

Apparel Industry

Path for Ecommerce Businesses

The apparel industry needs the clipping path technique most of the time. For example, models or ghost mannequins used for the brands and pictures clicked on the studios need clipping image technique.

GEI will help you remove the background from your photo and make your garments products more presentable.

Electronics Industry

Photoshop paths

Electronic products are only perfect with editing. The electronics products industry, such as computers, monitors, soundboxes, Televisions, fans, etc., require professional Photoshop paths.

The presentation of electronic products matters in eCommerce or online sales.

Ornaments and Jewelry Industry

image clipping services

Your photo should be more sophisticated and realistic to attract more customers. The ornaments industry need all type of image clipping like basic, simple, complex, and compound. It depends on what kinds of jewelry you desire to edit.

Earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, belly chains, anklets, etc., need a path or deep etch or background removal service to make your photo presentable.

Leather Product Industry

advanced photo clipping

The apparel industry needs the clipping path in Photoshop most of the time. For example, models or ghost mannequins used for the brands and pictures clicked on the studios need clipping image technique.

Leather product photos also require a path—advanced photo clipping path techniques used for objects with complex edges and uneven borders.

Leather Shoes, watches, belts, bags, and other leather accessories require deep etching for editing, and the GEI team is here to help you with quality work.

Vehicle Business Industry

automobile clipping

Quality clipping is essential for photo editing for automobiles, buses, trucks, and cars.

They use it to change the background and make the pure white background of the Vehicle images and other Photoshop editing work like car color correction, image retouching service, or any image manipulation services.

Experts use photo-etching to bring the best features to these vehicles and industrial gadgets.

Architectural and Interior Design Industry

complex paths

Super complex paths are used to cut out or edit various architectural and interior design product images.

Because in this industry, fences, gate-like shapes, windows, zigzag designs, knobs, and other household products need editing. Deep Etch is used in this industry. Get a Free Trial.

What Pictures Are Eligible for Photo Clipping?

Our clipping path experts can work with almost any image. However, specific photographs are more well-suited for photo clipping than others. Let’s return to the dog photograph example. Assume the dog is breathing outdoors and the breath is steam.

Details like these make the image a good candidate for image masking service, a similar process. Clipping Path and Masking involve changing the image transparency level. This subtle adjustment radically alters the photograph’s appearance.

Graphic Experts India, a professional photo editing service provider, uses a highly automated process that accounts for troublesome areas. Our advanced systems give our artistic graphics editors the tools they need to quickly bring their creative vision to life. If necessary, we can combine these two techniques. So, you get the best of both worlds.

What Digital Files Formats Do Our Graphic Editors Work With?

We often get this question because many customers have digital files converted from analog photographs. There may be issues with different kinds of files in any other company. But at Graphic Experts India, we routinely work with:

  • CR2,
  • JPG,
  • TIFF,
  • PNG,
  • PSD, and
  • Other types of files.

If the image has severe quality issues, our graphics editors can clean up these images and make them easier to work with.


What is a clipping path service for e-commerce businesses?

A clipping path service is crucial for e-commerce businesses to enhance the visual appeal of their product images. This path is then used to separate the subject from the background, allowing businesses to place the product on any desired backdrop. Besides, it helps you manipulate e-commerce products, such as resizing, rotating, or adjusting different image components.

Can you explain the term ‘clipping path using the pen tool’?

The term ‘clipping path using the pen tool’ refers to creating a vector path in Photoshop. The path created can isolate specific parts of an image or even create a clipping mask, allowing for detailed image manipulation and editing.

Why is a clipping path important for e-commerce product photos?

The clipping path is essential for e-commerce product photos because it helps isolate the product from its background and place it on a white background or remove certain parts of an image. This improves the focus on the product.

How can I use Photoshop to create a clipping path for my e-commerce product images?

To create clipping paths, you begin by opening the image in Photoshop. Next, use the pen tool to draw around the edges of the product you wish to isolate. Once the path is created, go to the path option panel and save the path. You can now use this path to remove the product from its background.

Is there a specific complexity of the image that impacts the clipping path process?

Yes, the complexity of the image does have an impact on the clipping path process. The more complex an image is – the more edges, curves, and details it has – the more time and precision it will require to create an accurate clipping path.

Try Us as the Best Clipping Path Service Provider Company

Advanced Photoshop editing services, including photo background removal, optimization of web images, removal of troubled aspect ratio, complex photo editing, group photo editing, color correction service, etc., require different categories of paths. Our well-trained and skilled photo editors have depth knowledge of basic to multiple paths.

GEI is ready to bring the best service with 100% effort in editing. You can get our assistance with minimum prizes with the best quality edited picture. Up to two free image editing services are here to judge the quality of our work. In addition, GEI will help you make your products more presentable in the photo.

We firmly believe in doing things right the first time. So if you’re unhappy with our work for any reason, return it immediately. We’ll redo it with no questions asked. Your satisfaction is our number one priority. Like you, we are in this business for the long haul and are determined to build relationships.

This same philosophy and guarantee apply to all our eCommerce image editing, such as background removal, image masking, photo retouching service, image resizing, shadow making, image cropping, etc. Clipping Path Photoshop helps keep your business moving forward. To get started, contact us today, and we will quickly give you a no-obligation cost estimate.

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