How to Find Real Estate Photography Clients?

Real estate photography is a business first, and the next is photography. The first step to getting the answer to the question “how to find real estate photography clients” is lead generation. Then you need to look for returning customers. 

Besides the above methods, many other techniques exist, such as networking, making brochures, flyers, etc. What should be your focus point in finding your real estate photography client? 

In this article, I will outline a few marketing strategies so that you can find your real estate photography client. 

Effective Tips to Find Real Estate Photography Clients

The thumb rule for finding a client for any business is quite similar. And the rules of finding a real estate photography client are also no exception. I will discuss the basic rules which need to be simplified in execution.

Look for a Known Realtor

It is always a wise decision to look for a person whom you know well. Or the person is perceived by your family or friends. Working with a stranger is always a risky decision. As you are looking for a real estate photography client, it would be best if the person comes from your known boundaries.

real estate photography client

Many Realtors are out there who maintain a good relationship with their customers. If you buy or sell your home with an agent, you probably feel comfortable communicating and querying if they can help you. 

If you have yet to buy a home or sell or have moved out recently and have not found an agent in your new place, talk to family and friends around you. Find out who knows a friendly agent whom you can contact.

Reference is a Great Way to Grow Your Business

Real Estate Photography Reference

You might have heard this saying – “Word of Mouth.” All your marketing efforts should still be made following this saying. You won’t believe it. Many photography businesses depend on this saying.

Firstly, you can start your process with family and friends. Tell them to refer your photography business to any of their known marketing agents.

Request your friends to put your visiting card on their office notice board. Even you can talk about your business in a general conversation, which might help you to let the ball roll on the ground. You also need to be well-prepared for your business.

You have to have a social page to improve your online presence. The page has to be much shiny and functional. You can create your social page on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram; it depends on your choice. 

It would be best if you owned a website where you could show your portfolio, reviews, testimonials, and contact information. But remember, you have to be much active on social platforms.

If people want to learn about your business criteria and you don’t share your information on time, they will turn their faces away. 

And finally, you have no other option but to capture a few awesome photos and share them on your social platforms. Ultimately, people will show interest in your photography business if only your images are eye-catchy.

Do Research & Make Influential Social Ads

Successful photographers know the secret of finding real estate photography clients. They promote themselves on different social media platforms. If you have many followers, the chance of getting a client increases.

Generally, free posts don’t reach too many people. The only way to make your video viral without any cost is “word of mouth.” The better way of getting promoted is through paid ads.

But there also you need to be tactful. If you set up your Facebook ads wrongly, a lot of money will be wasted, and you will not get any fruitful results. Before going for paid ads, it is best to study your audience. 

First of all, you need to target a specific audience. Make sure you have chosen a glorious front cover for your ads. Choose a unique photograph so that the audience can send you a message. 

Another excellent way of getting a client is creating something unique so that people share your post, and thus your post will get viral. Be noted; you will only find people sharing ordinary real estate photos.

People will share a post when it is unique and different from all other posts. They usually like drone footage or a twilight house. If any real estate agent finds interest in your photos, they will contact you, and you need to respond to them without delay.

Generate Network

Real Estate Photography Client Network

The more network you create, you will have more chance of getting a real estate client. At the initial stage, all business owners scuffle to get their first customers; you are not alone. And they create a network with other business owners. 

You will wonder to know, every hour, every week, every day, and in every city, business owners are doing business meetings. You must need to attend those meetings. Get your business cards ready as well as flyers too. 

Other business owners are also trying to boost their businesses. Business owners from other areas are also broad-minded and ready to cooperate. While introducing yourself to them, be friendly and pleasant while briefly introducing them.

You can also contact the organizers to learn whether any real estate business owner is attending the meeting. If any real estate owner is visiting, talk to them politely.

After all, every business owner is attending the conference to find new opportunities. Generally, you must search for the meeting place and time in the goggle.

You also can sign up for related websites from where you will get meeting information. Be reminded all these meetings are free, and any signup cost is unnecessary. Some sessions may require RSVP.

Print out the Flyers

Print out the Flyers

A straightforward way to present yourself to find a real estate photography client is always beneficial. And it will be wise to take a few prints out of your flyers and send them to several real estate owners.

Hire a designer who can create flyers for you and share printouts. Below are a few tips to share your flyers:

  • Bring a printout of your flyers to the real estate office. You can keep them in the reception so the owner can get the flyers from there. Follow this process if you can’t make an appointment with the real estate owner.
  • You can use the mailing address to share your flyers.
  •  Have a quick discussion with the real estate agent. Either it could be in an open house or could be in a crowded place. Hand over your flyers to the agent.

Show Your Photographs in Person

Show Your Photographs in Person

Many professional photographers stated this tip works best to find their real estate photography clients. However, to succeed with this tip, you need to be a good speaker and be able to convince other people through your discussion.

Here the thumb rule is almost similar to point # 7. Get an appointment with an agent, or you can visit directly to their office. Ask the agent whether you can present with a few organization decision-makers.

Your presentation has to be as attractive as possible. And make sure you are offering an excellent dealing option to the agent. Also, you may not get more than 5 – 15 minutes to present yourself to the office staff and agent.

So, your full presentation needs to be completed within this time. Ensure you have practiced enough to meet your presentation within the given timeline. You can bring a printout of your presentation.

Also, showing graphs, videos, or portfolios will be a great way to attract your clients.

Generate a fruitful E-mail Marketing Movement

E-mail Marketing Movement

A great E-mail marketing campaign will lead you to clients directly. Visit different real estate websites and collect the e-mail address of real estate companies. Initially, you can send e-mails to 20 – 50 companies. Remember not to use general wordings.

If you do so, the mail reader will treat you as faceless junk and show no interest in reading the e-mail. Use a few of your best photographs to let them understand you are a real estate photographer and a local guy from their state.

While collecting the e-mails, search for those real estate agents who don’t have good images on their website, and your stunning photographs can stand out as the best.

Another attractive way of getting attraction from a real estate agent is to offer a free first photoshoot session. This way, you can fill up your portfolio too.

But while selecting agents for your free first photoshoot session, some fraud agents are out there who can take advantage of your offer.

Also, it is advisable to only offer a free photoshoot session to some if you already own a significant portfolio.

Do SEO on Your Website

Do SEO of Your Website

The full abbreviation of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. Following this process, you can rank higher in Google and other search engines. Now, why do I need to do SEO for my website?

Because through SEO, you can quickly rank your website in the search engine. And the higher the rank is, getting a client will be higher. What steps can you follow to do SEO?

  • Make the optimization of your website.
  • Build links.

Is it an easy process? But the fact is, it is a challenging task. It may take a day, months even years to get ranked in google. Be sure you are not creating spammy backlinks to your website.

Compelling content and backlink from reputed sites will give you a higher rank on google. Besides, you can hire an SEO professional to do SEO for your website if you have enough budget.

Don’t choose a fake professional who uses a black hat SEO strategy; unfortunately, google Bots will quickly recognize the links, and you will get a penalty in the end. Look for an SEO professional who works following a white-hat SEO strategy.

Subscribe to the Local Working Directories

Local Working Directories

Local directories are another great way to find real estate and photography clients. The best local directories give priority to the client. A potential customer always looks for a good photographer in the local directories.

Do some research to learn about the competition in the local directories. Know the rules of getting the rank and follow them to reach the highest position. If you wish to go with paid membership options for a few months to see how the process works, you can do so.

A single long-term client may cover your membership cost for a few months. As I stated earlier, different local directories follow other procedures to give your profile rank.

Based on the rules and regulations, you need to make your profile. If your profile did anything beyond the rules and regulations, you might get blocked by the directories admin. Intently learn about the rules and regulations of local directories.

Don’t hesitate to contact the support section if you have any queries. Ultimately, everyone in the local guides is there to do business.

Final Words

Following the above tips, you have gathered ideas on “how to find real estate photography clients.” Also, I believe all the above points help get a real estate photography client.

But you have to ensure your captured images are charming and attractive. If those images are under par, no real estate agent will show interest in hiring you. Your pictures should talk about your skill and experience.

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